Experience and innovation: have always been the key to the success of Rapidplastics S.p.A., a reference point in the injection moulding industry from decades.
From the sparking idea to the final product:
Rapidplastics S.p.A., with time, has extended its services to include the entire production chain; from the project design to mold production as well as assembly and delivery logistics.
Rapindplastics was born
as a plastic industry based activity in 1952 with the construction of two manual presses by Aldo, the company founder.
The technical ability of the son Roberto Facchi, has made Rapidplastics a reference point for continuous innovation and technology development in plastic injection processes.
Since always Rapidplastics provides companies with personalized solution. Through
the collaboration with many research departments of various universities in Italy, Rapidplastics is able to offers its clients highly technical solutions applied to the most innovative materials and superficial treatments available.
Rapidplastics is located in a fruitful territory not only because of the beautiful surrounding landscapes but also because of the many highly productive industries
that characterize the Val Sabbia territory. Our production unit comprises a total area
of 12000 Mq from which more than 7000 Mq are roofed.